A global survey published in 2021 of over 73,000 adults from 33 countries found that more than 40 percent of respondents had gastrointestinal disorders, like irritable bowel syndrome or constipation. Chronic, unexplained abdominal pain,...
COMPLETE NUTRITION METHOD LEAN BODY LIVING Embrace the ‘Complete Nutrition Method Lean Body Living’ for a balanced and fulfilling approach to nutrition. This method is designed with the understanding that all bodies need nourishing, satisfying meals...
The Difference Between Pilates and Yoga When selecting between Pilates and other forms of exercise like Yoga, particularly for achieving lean lines, it’s crucial to align the choice with your fitness goals. If your primary need is to build core strength, improve...
As a holistic health professional, I get asked this question a lot. How can you lose weight without solely focusing on the calories? When I wrote my book for clients- The Five Pillar System I found I had to count calories in each recipe to begin. After creating 30...
What is better than looking so good that your partner would want you back? YOU FEELING CONFIDENT ABOUT YOUR SELF WORTH, BEING EMOTIONALLY SAFE & DEVELOPING A HEALTHY MINDSET with your nutrition and fitness. Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of...