disCOver your vibrant mind & body

Alia Steglinski is a dedicated health teacher, creativity specialist, author, and keynote speaker, renowned for helping people like yourself achieve their full potential in body mind health & energy.


Alia is founder of Yogatone™️, a movement of Pilates, Yoga & Mindfulness principles. Join us in person in Mornington Peninsula or enjoy videos online.

Transform & Thrive

Amplify your results, enquire about working exclusively with Alia in a 1-1 mentorship program curated individually to your requirements.


Transform Your Physical & Mental Energy into A Vibrant Body

& Lifestyle You Love!

Alia Steglinski is a renowned health mentor, creativity expert, author, & keynote speaker.

Alia inspires & creates OPTIMAL HEALTH & ENERGY


Do you want more energy, manage your health, and discover your full fitness potential? It doesn’t matter what fitness level or age you are. I can help you get there. Sometimes it just takes one person to believe in YOUR potential and support you. Over the years, I’ve helped many clients achieve the impossible with fitness, mindset, and nutrition lifestyle habits. Now it’s your turn. 

Clients are raving about having:

Boundless Energy: Enjoy more energy throughout the day, feeling revitalized and ready to tackle any challenge.

Restful Sleep: Achieve better, more restful sleep, waking up refreshed and rejuvenated.

Targeted Strength Gains: See noticeable improvements in body tone and strength, especially in those previously concerning areas.

Enhanced Muscle Definition: Increase muscle tone and definition, sculpting a leaner, stronger physique.

Breaking Free from Old Habits: Experience relief from old, unproductive habits, making way for healthier routines.

Effortless Craving Control: Transform your relationship with food, finding it easier to manage and reduce cravings.

Seamless Healthy Eating: Transition to healthier eating habits effortlessly, without the burden of restrictive dieting.

Improved Flexibility and Confidence: Boost your flexibility and fitness confidence, empowering you to move with ease and assurance.

Join us and discover the remarkable changes that are making our clients’ lives healthier and happier every day!



Nutrition Habit Changes for New You Athletic Performance, Tone & Craving Control


Increased Fitness Changes for All Levels- Core, Weight loss, Flexibility & Tone


Virtual Creative Key Notes & Online Mentorship that Energise & Empower Mind & Body


Before starting the CEO of My Body program with Alia, I struggled with a lack of motivation, low energy, and dissatisfaction with my body weight. The structured routine and supportive environment provided by the program have been transformative. I now prioritise healthy food choices, which has significantly boosted my energy levels. Regular exercise, including stretching and strength training, has not only helped me lose a few kilograms but also reduced my back and shoulder pain.

One of the most significant changes has been my mindset. I’ve shifted from mindlessly reaching for sweets to considering what will make my body feel best. I listen to motivational podcasts instead of spending hours on social media, and I’ve started reading more, even if just a few pages a night. Going to bed earlier has helped me feel more rested and reduced my cravings for sugary foods the next day.

The program’s emphasis on self-compassion and positive self-talk has been incredibly empowering. I’ve learned to listen to my body and be kinder to myself, which has been crucial in maintaining my progress. Overall, this program has provided me with the tools and support needed to make sustainable lifestyle changes, leading to improved physical health and greater happiness with my body.


1. Increase YOUR ENERGY Levels, & ENJOY Complete Physical Health

2. Enhance Motivation, & Emotional Wellness

3. Get EMPOWERED Effective, & KIND Weight Management

Be the ceo of your body mentorship

Online available

Transform with Alia's Five Pillar System: achieve complete body tone, confidence, presence, & world-class healthy habits for physical & mental energy success.


The empOWEred mum book

Published on Amazon

In this book, Accredited Nutritionist & dedicated mum Alia Steglinski merges her professional expertise with her personal experience to address the unique health challenges faced by mothers.


Speaking at Events

 World-class teacher

Alia dedicates her career to unlocking business employees' full potential, by enhancing their energy & achieving optimal bodies, nutrition habits, & mindset using her Complete Nutrition Method & Five Pillars to a Healthy Mind & Body.


YOGATONE™️ membership

Classes/events Mornington Peninsula

Discover a whole new level of flexibility, tone & inner/outer strength, using powerful Yoga, Pilates & mindset moves with founder Alia.


Be An Empowered Role Model   

At the core of this book is the “Complete Nutrition Method,” a revolutionary approach developed by Steglinski, designed to simplify healthy eating. This method demystifies the world of nutrition, providing clear, actionable strategies that can be easily integrated into a busy mom’s daily routine. It’s not just about what to eat; it’s about understanding the fundamentals of nutrition and how to make it work in a family setting.

An energised body & mind starts with a burst of inspiration

Accredited nutrition advice, empowered energy mindset & inner athlete royal routine.
Reach your full potential with optimal nutrition, mindset, fitness, & routine.

Stay Healthy

Health and fitness information that makes a real difference.