Woman eating a healthy salad while reading about how to empower yourself after a breakup on laptop.
Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the World -Marianne Williamson

Breakups are Hard, But How We Move Forward Determines Our Health & Happiness

Just like there is always time for pain, there is always time for healing – Jennifer Brown

How to Empower Yourself After a Breakup – The Healthier Way

Woman in orange hoodie going for a run.
The question is not how to get cured, but how to live – Joseph Conrad

How to Empower Yourself After a Breakup with Nutrition & Exercise

Healthy woman cutting up fruit.
Exercise to build fitness, define muscles, build core strength, increase endurance, better your push ups, get flexibility and not focus to burn calories or look good to others.
Choose veg juices and healthy foods instead of eating junk food.
Force yourself to go shopping for healthy snacks- fruit, veg, rice crackers, pop corn, paleo bars (natural) dip, mineral water etc
try a new style exercise class that helps you to connect with your body and let it heal or manage aches and pains (Yoga)
Start exercising with a friend, a PT or join a sport so you have a new cause 
Fuel your body every 4 hours so you eat at least 3 meals a day in your 12 hour waking day plus healthy snacks
Allow yourself to feed your soul (eat junk food once-twice a week) and NOT FEEL BAD
Take pressure off yourself with counting calories or needing to lose weight and focus more on balanced meals and daily exercise 

How to Build Self Esteem and Be Healthier Than Ever After a Break Up

Focus on who you want to become as a person now
Learn to eat balanced meals
Eat to support yourself emotionally (fuel your body with nutritious balanced meals and natural snacks every 3 hours)
Hang around other women who show they care about their bodies and their self care (become who you hang around with)
Talk to a professional about building boundaries in your struggle points so you feel safe emotionally and true to yourself
Go for walks daily purely to breathe fresh air and enjoy the simple things again (nature)
Do exercise that helps you connect to your body in a nurturing way (like Yoga & Pilates)
Let out steam and with more invigorating exercise

New Beliefs & Affirmations

I am pleased with my efforts
I am pleased I am learning new healthy ways to work through relationship challenges
I am focusing in on loving me because there is only one me and one lifetime and I deserve to be healthy
I am getting more strong and flexible with the movements I do everyday for my serving body
I feel the energy of clean foods I feed my body 
I am kind to my body and ok with stepping back a bit in my routine with mindfulness, yoga, healing food (complete nutrition) to move forward 3 steps
I deserve purpose in my life and to feel connected with myself and others while I get fit and healthy